Some good news is the new Gospel Chariot, that we have been trying to get up and running for Ghana, has arrived in South Africa from Germany. It is a 4x4 Mercedes Atego. It will now go into a body shop where it will be custom built for mission work.
This is a Dream come true. Can you now imagine how many more souls will hear the word of God? These Gospel Chariots working hand in hand with brethren, do amazing work for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I have just returned from Malawi, where I worked with Chariot 2. We give God the glory. Amazing outreach. Have a look below and let us all THANK GOD for another Chariot that will be used in this manner. 520 souls were baptized into Jesus in August and September in Malawi. 11 Restorations, 6,780 WBS students recruited and 2 congregations planted in Mchenzi and Kasunga. 20 High Schools visited, handing out WBS lessons. Well done Malawi! Can Ghana and the new Gospel Chariot reach as many? I believe so. PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE EFFORTS.
Above shows New Mercedes Atego truck. Ready to get a body put on. |
Above shows Gospel Chariot 2 driving into a village in Malawi.
The roads are bad, but the people are receptive and hungry to hear
the word of God.
When in a village the first thing that is done, a tent is erected next to the
truck and a preaching platform is set up for preaching.
As you can see it takes help to put the tent up. Sometimes we put the
tent up and sometimes open air meetings are held.
The people in the community come over and help set up. The children
love the activity and go back telling their parents.
So what you now have is a mobile Church on Wheels that travel into
11 countries. Once the new chariot is up and running, who knows how
many countries will be visited, reaching out.
Above shows my son, Wayne Funk, preaching in Malawi. They love
Wayne. When he left school and we had just built the first Chariot, Wayne
worked and traveled with it. Today he is an accountant, married
with 2 children, but still loves to be involved in God's work. In the back
you can see the baptistery full of water waiting for souls to come forward.
The children in the community will have to sit on the floor at the
meetings. At night there are christian educational movies for them.
Then the preaching will take place.
Men on the right and woman on the left. That is the way they like it in
Malawi. It was a wonderful meeting at the Kapezi congregation in
Selema area. This congregation was planted using this Gospel Chariot
4 or so years ago. Today they have their own church building already.
Above shows brother Moster baptizing one of the 530 souls baptized in
Malawi this year, using the Gospel Chariot. Brother Moster is a wonderful
faithful brother who co-ordinates this effort with all the Churches of Christ
in Malawi. Prisons, Hospitals, High Schools, Villages, Market Places and
wherever there are souls. |
Above shows us breaking into smaller groups for teachers, preachers and
young men groups. There were teachings for the woman as well. |
Then there was OPEN AIR meetings. What we usually do with the Chariots,
is have open airs from Monday to Wednesday and from Thursday to Sunday
put the tent up for gospel meetings finishing off with worship on Sunday. |
As you can see. Stop open the stage. Put the PA system out and preach. |
Above shows myself and Moster preaching at an open air. |
Stop open the stage and preach. As you can see we try find places where
there will be some shade for those listening to the lessons. |
Again. Stop open the stage and preach. Then hand out WBS lessons.
Thousands of lessons where handed out. The team collected 6,780
requests to study correspondence and this happens every year and every
year the Chariots revisit these areas and at times baptizing the very
ones who studied the year before. When I see things like this, I am
amazed and can only say: God is Powerful and working like never
before. He truly is alive and well.
Above shows a school we stopped at. The headmaster gets the whole school
together so we can speak to them about God and hand out bible lessons.
Above shows a good friend of mine Ron Pottberg who works with
World Bible School. Ron was a missionary in South Africa 20 years
ago and he and his wife Susan influenced me at a very important time
in my life. He taught me to reach out using WBS, but most of all taught
me how to evangelize in townships in South Africa. Ron was also in
Malawi this trip working hand in hand with the Gospel Chariot. He does
amazing work in many countries for World Bible School. Amen, Ron |
Above shows more schools being visited and recruiting of students. |
More handing out of WBS lessons. Thank you, Lord.
These names go back to WBS teachers in the USA who teach
them. Then we try reach them. All a team effort. |
Another stop at a market place and more preaching and handing out
of lessons. |
Brother Aubrey explaining how World Bible School works.
Anybody wants to study with a teacher in America???? |
Brother we need more lessons. We don't have enough.
More, More Please. |
Above shows a public road in Malawi. As you can see many walk and
ride bicycles and they are all heading to the market place and it is at the
market places where we visit with them and preach. There are people
all over. |
Above shows wheelchairs handed out by the team. We received them
from some ministry in USA. Its wonderful to see how the Chariots work
with different ministries to serve God. Ron Pottberg, Wayne and myself were
driving down the road and we saw one of these wheelchairs on the back
of a bicycle. Most probably handed out the day before. |
Above shows the Chilumba Esau Church of Christ building that Gospel
Chariot Missions helped with a building. Last year, when campaigning, we
had the Buda Church of Christ with us and they helped the Kapesi Church
here in Malawi, put a roof on their buidlng. This year GCM raised the funds
for this building. How much?? Thousand dollars. US. Amazing. The secret: the
brethren make the bricks and do all the work themselves. We are hoping to help
every year as we travel through Selema, Malawi. We are hoping to print thousands
of Church of Christ signs, to put on the Chariot, and as they travel and they find
a Church of Christ with no sign, they will nail one to the wall. Amen |
Above shows the building from the inside. That is funds well spent.
This building is right next to the road. Good location. |
Above shows Moster and myself with the brethren looking at our next
project. This is the Chitiwiri Church of Christ in Malawi and their church
roof has callapsed. We are busy working out how much it is going to cost to fix.
Funds have been sent and when we return they will have a new building.
Look at their pews where the members sit. Made from bricks. |
Above shows what it looks like from the outside. God Bless them as they
fix their building and worship God. |
Above shows good old Malawian hospitality. Yes, dishing up from the floor.
Grab a plate and have a seat. These are special moments. One needs to be
careful with the water in Malawi at this time. Otherwise, all is good.