It is September already and 2012 is almost behind us. Time is flying and we are all getting older; as you can see below, the birth of our 5th grandchild. God has blessed us.
On the work front. Things are doing well. Chariot 1 has completed its work in Venda and is now in Swaziland. 14 souls have been baptized into Jesus. Amen. Chariot 2 had some clutch problems in Tanzania and we flew spareparts up, to sort that out. This Chariot is now back in Malawi heading south towards Blantyre. I will join them in Selema, in the central region. From there they will head for Mozambique and back to South Africa. There have been around 250 baptisms in Malawi this year. This is amazing as we all work together. The New Gospel Chariot is on its way from Germany to South Africa where it will get its new body. It will then be shipped to Ghana where it will start its reaching out. Brothers Dimpo, Lazarus, Bongani, Tebogo and O'brien traveled up to Zambia this last month, to attend the ACA Conference. Regarding missions in Africa: PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR CONTINENT AND OUTREACH EFFORTS FOR JESUS.
Above shows me in Perth Australia at the Hospital after Chantal our daughter gave
birth to her first child. His name is Zac Vander Kraats. Healthy and Blessed. He is
our 5th grandchild. Ria and I are so Blessed to have children and grandchildren.
Family is so IMPORTANT. Thank you Lord. |
Back at Chantal and Robs home. It was so good to just cuddle with the little guy.
The older I get the more I want to have family time. Ria got to Australia before me
to help Chantal before the birth. I arrived for the good stuff. |
Above shows Ria with our other 2 grandchildren in Perth Australia. They are
Jemmica and Payton Funk. Quinton and Vicki's little ones. It was wonderful
having family time. I saw them last 18 months ago. It was so SPECIAL.
Above shows our son Quinton Funk in Perth Australia with a pallet of study
Bibles shipped in from South Africa. Our brother and partner in the gospel.
Brother Roger Dickson made these available for Australia. Whilst in Australia
I managed to distribute some and Vicki our daughter in law will post the balance
to preachers and teachers on the East coast of Australia. It is so good to try do some
good wherever you find yourself. Thank you Quinton and Vicki for helping in Australia. |
Above shows Chariot 1 in Venda reaching out. The brethren in Venda do
amazing work reaching out. This is a young peoples group being taught under
the Gospel Chariot Tent. |
Above shows driver, preacher, teacher and evangelist. Bongani Mabena
baptizing one of the many souls in Venda. He is always smiling..Amen
But so are all the angles in heaven when one soul is saved....amen.
This Gospel Chariot is now in Swaziland having gospel meetings. |
Above shows Chariot 2 in Tanzania. This Gospel Chariot has many meetings
every day. As you can see the tent is not erected. They have open air meetings
in the different villages and only puts the tent up on weekends. This Chariot is
now in Malawi heading south back to South Africa.
Above shows Dimpo Motimele and Lazarus Munetsi at our Gospel Chariot
Missions booth at the ACA Conference in Zambia. It was a missions conference,
Above shows Lazarus, Dimpo and Bongani at the Conference in Lusaka.
These are the GCM men we are empowering to be more continent-focused.
Dimpo Motimele in the middle, is being groomed to take over as director
of Gospel Chariot Missions Africa, in 2020. They are like my own children.
PLEASE Pray for them as they grow and serve God. Very good men. |
Above shows our guys stopping off at the Namwianga Mission on
their way back home from the conference. |
Above shows the GCM team with their wives attending the Atteridgeville
Church of Christ. It was a special day because our son in the gospel, Machona
Monyamane, was leaving for Harding University. He has arrived in the US
and is now studying Marriage and family counselling. This is a photo I will keep
and cherish
.jpg) |
Above shows our Durban office where brother Paulus and Leslie do a
fantastic job using World Bible School as a tool. As you can see, a seminar
taking place where many received their certificates. I said it before and I
will say it again: Paulus you guys are doing a wonderful job teaching people
the good news. Your Saturday meetings are a success story. Keep it up. Shows
us in other areas how it is done. God Bless You. |
Wow, look at this! These are souls from different denominations
coming to our office for teaching on a Saturday. Talk about people
wanting to know more. Thank you Lord. Please Bless them as they seek. |
Above is the building where the Gospel Chariot office is housed and the
seminars take place in Downtown Durban. There is a Zulu speaking
congregation that meets in the building on a Sunday morning as well.
Above are some souls being baptized in Plettenberg Bay. That's where
Ria and I are from. This is our home congregation. We go out of town
and 6 souls come forward to be baptized. On the left is Ace and on the
right, Xolani with our son, Zonge, in the middle. He is our young college
student and evangelist in Plett. The Church is growing and we are excited. |
There were some baptisms in Pretoria. They were taught at our short
term Bible School. These are some special students who have had some
hard times and are turning their lives around. We so proud of them.
Above is our GCM worker in Venda baptizing a soul. De Villiers
is one of the teachers at the short term Bible School in Venda.
Above shows a another soul being baptized in Pretoria. In the background
is Lazarus' wife, Busi, assisting and handing over a towel. |