Our goal has always been to build a New Gospel Chariot for West Africa. Well, God has provided and we will be building one in 2012. But what country will it be based out of and who will oversee it? Once again, God has provided. I have been communicating with brethren in Ghana and was then invited to speak at the Heritage Christian College, but also invited to meet with the board and elders. I traveled up in early December and was very well received. Some of the key leaders and I met back in 2000 in South Africa when we hosted the Africans Claiming Africa Conference. So it was great visiting with them. These brethren have agreed to oversee the new Gospel Chariot. I am so excited because these brethren are mature and very evangelistic. Imagine the many unevangelized countries we will be able to reach. Many of them French speaking. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE NEW GHANA GOSPEL CHARIOT.

Above shows myself and some of the key leaders at the Heritage graduation. The brother on the right is brother Evans Lartey, who is the acting principle and the brother who will report to the board regarding the new Chariot. He was the brother who made my trip so pleasant and set up all our meetings. Thanks bro Evans. We appreciate your networking abilities and love for lost souls.

Above shows the 45 students ready for graduation. God is working through Heritage.

Students receiving their certificates and diplomas. There were over 500 in attendance.

Elders and preachers praying over them before they go out into the world to preach. Amen.

Above shows the Heritage College Board and elders who will oversee the New Gospel Chariot.

Above is the new Church building in Accra Ghana. This building is funded by the members of the Nsawam Road Church of Christ. They have around 1500 members. Gospel Chariot Missions is very fortunate and blessed to have such a wonderful congregation behind the New Chariot.

Above shows myself and brother Douglas Boatang having a lighter moment after our meeting. Brother Douglas is one of the elders and a well respected brother in the brotherhood.

Above shows the Independence Square in Accra Ghana. 11614 met at this venue. Christians also met in the Central and Northern regions as well on the same day. Who knows how many met there and what the final total was.

Above shows many of the worshipers sitting in the middle section of the square.

Above shows the stage in the middle of the square. People then sat all around. As well as filling 8 grandstands surrounding the square.

They came in buses cars and taxi's to worship God together. What a sight and experience.

Above shows many of the preachers and elders that went forward for a photo.

Above shows the grandstands surrounding the square. All 8 were full of Christians. Myself being the only white in attendance. Making it a really special occasion.

Above shows the Wold Bible School stand with many people wanting christian literature. On the day there were over 35 people who came forward to be baptized. Making it even more special.

Above in the middle shows brother Fred Asare who was the guest speaker on the day. Brother Fred is the director of the Village of Hope a wonderful work near Accra. On the right is brother John Tamakloe, a well known leader in Ghana and on the left one of the elders of the Church

Above shows the Village of Hope. Brother Fred Asare directs this ministry. It is an orphanage, children's village, community clinic and christian academy. Friends, this must be the best, most well run and healthy looking ministry I have ever seen in Africa. I have traveled extensively and this is the best I have seen. Well done brother Fred and all involved. To God be the Glory. Keep it up and touch those little lives and help that community. I love it when I see Gods Goodness.

They have a number of homes that house staff and many of the little children. Very well maintained buildings and very clean and well kept. An amazing sight to see.

Above shows the school with its classrooms. Many of the community children also attend at this christian school. All the children are well dressed with school uniforms. Looks so neat.

Above shows the medical clinic where people from the community can receive assistance. Once again, very clean and well run.

Then there is the dispensary where one will stop and pick up their medication on their way out.

Some of the beds for patients that need to stay for observation.

Then there are the children and they are touching many of the little ones....AMEN

More precious children.

And more.

Some of the bigger children at school. There is a boarding school where members can send their children to. They also take children from outside the church. Just an amazing work.

Every dorm houses a number of children. There is one husband and wife for each dorm. Above is one of the TV rooms for the children. Once again, first class, well run and clean.

Above one of the many bedrooms for the children. All nice and neat.

Above one of the dining rooms where the children eat with their dorm parents.

Last but not least, me getting a coconut along the road. It was a first. Very tasty with a water liquid inside. Brother Evans drove me around and looked after me during my stay. Most important, we have strong brethren in Ghana who will run with the Gospel Chariot. There are 2000 Churches of Christ in Ghana. Thank you God. Thank you Ghana. Who knows how many will be reached in the coming years. PLEASE LETS ALL PRAY FOR THE NEW CHARIOT.