2009 is here and look who has arrived in the Cape to help give the Chariots some tender loving care. Yes Dimpo, Lazarus, Bongani and Ommie. One of the most important things we need to do every year is make sure the Gospel Chariots are in good running order. The roads are bad in Africa. Since last year a wonderful brother from the USA has been coming over and helping us do maintenance. His name is Charlie Worrell from Fredericksburg. He has the knowledge and we really appreciate him coming and helping us.....Thank you Charlie and Fredericksburg.

Last year when Charlie came over we did not think of getting the GCM team to come and help with the repairs. Only when Charlie was here did I realise what a wonderful opportunity it would be for the evangelists to help and learn as Charlie went about his work. Well this year we brought the team from Pretoria. What a success story. Charlie could move from one truck to the other having all the help he wanted. They say you learn best by doing and that's what the team has done. They got their hands dirty and helped Charlie with the maintenance. Well done guys.

This shows Lazarus changing some of the air filters situated in the front of the cab.

Above shows Charlie and Dimpo replacing a battery. As well as cleaning and rewiring them.

This is Bongani having fun with Charlie while replacing filters and repairing broken pipes. As one works on one part of the engine another one picks up the next problem. That is what we try to do before we head out for a year on the road. Look for possible problems. Entire bolts and brackets break and if not found will create a major problem in African counties to the north.

As we look at the engine we also have to look at the equipment. Generators, speakers and amplifiers as well as the tent. Body work is also inspected. The wonderful thing is Charlie is teaching us how to repair and look after the Lord's Chariots. These Chariots will last for many years if we just look after them.

Oh yes and don't forget to give the Chariots a good polish. The sun takes its toll on the paint.

That's it Lazarus, polish the sign writing that advertises Nations University. I wonder how many people will inroll with the University and World Bible School this year. What we try to do is duplicate ourselves. A person can get our information off the Chariot and study through us correspondence. As we travel into 11 countries we distribute thousands and thousands of lessons. Just sowing the seed.

Remember this Chariot 2 had its stag smashed up in Malawi. Well look at that, its as good as new. These kind of things will happen from time to time. As you can see we have done some additional signage. As the stage opens and the tent is erected those listening to the preacher will be able to read the signs advertising World Bible School and Nations University.

With the team working with us here in the Cape our congregation was encouraged. Dimpo, Lazarus and Bongani got to preach. Two souls were baptised. You can see some members and the wonderful brother who has come out twice in the last two years to help us. Charlie thank you so much. We really appreciate what you do. You are teaching us to take responsibility of the Chariots.

During the day we worked on the Chariots and in the evenings we met for 2 hours studying a leadership book and also doing some team building. Then there was the fellowship and dessert. It was fantastic. One thing about GCM is that we know where we are and where we want to go. Not all of our team made it down, but all did work through the same leadership book. God is working in our lives. One thing we know is this, we must grow as a team. We cannot choose how we are going to die, but we can choose how we are going to live.....We want to live for CHRIST.

Wow look at this. We managed to do some sight seeing. One thing about life is its the cheaper things in life that are enjoyable. The Gospel Chariots travel into some of the most beautiful areas in Africa. I have been encouraging the brethren to smell the roses. I have not been very good at this. However, I am getting better as I get older......We are now ready for 2009. To anyone reading this blog, please pray for the GCM family as we serve Him in 2009.