At last the Ghana Gospel Chariot has been completed. It is ready to be shipped to Ghana. The only thing that still needs to be done, is the long distance fuel tank needs
to be mounted between the cab and the body. Then its off. Chariot 1 and Chariot 2 have also been in the body shop for repairs before leaving and going into the world. There have been some expensive repairs, but nothing as costly as a lost soul. Amen
On the right hand side you have 2 doors that are store rooms for chairs and
tons of literature as well as the tent. One also has a generator that swings out
from the compartment behind the back wheel.
As you can see this is the GHANA GOSPEL CHARIOT.
On the left hand side you can see it has 2 big doors that open out and inside
you have a baptistery and PA system with a stage that pulls out. You also
have the signwriting advertizing World Bible School and Nations University. |
At the back of the Chariot you have 2 beds where the driver/ evangelists
sleep as they travel from area to area. You also have the steps going up
onto the roof where you attach the big tent when having Gospel meetings. |
Above and below show the tents being manufactured. Not only for the
new Ghana Gospel Chariot, but for the old Chariots as well. The wind
and the weather take its toll on the tents and we have managed to replace
all tents. |
Above shows Chariot 1 pulling out of the body shop after receiving repairs.
This Chariot works South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho and Mozambique. |
Every year there are things to repair. All vehicles have to go through
a roadworthy test to make sure they are safe on the public roads. We also
get the engine serviced and look for any defect that might be a problem. |
Above shows Bongani pulling out onto the road ready to leave for the
Eastern Cape with Chariot 1. This is the 13th year that Chariot 1 will be
on the road. Last year we managed to refurbish the body. |
As you can see we advertize World Bible School and Nations University.
Every year at this time we print hundreds of thousands of lessons that will
be distributed as people hear the word of God. That is the exciting thing
about this work. Wherever we go we are preaching, but also leaving lessons
for those who want to study through the mail. |
Above shows Dimpo, Lazarus and Bongani with me in Plettenberg Bay.
They visit every year this time when we get the Chariots ready. We
also do some team building and work with the Kwanokuthulu Church
of Christ. |
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Above shows Bongani ready to baptize a whole family in Kwanokuthulo.
What an exciting day when you see a whole family come to the Lord. |
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Above shows 2 ladies studying with Bongani. One lady visited us on
Sunday and Bongani followed up on the Monday. Her friend also
obeyed the gospel...amen |
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Bongani baptizing one of the sisters. |
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Above shows the family being taught in the Church building in Plett. |
Above shows Dimpo preaching to us whilst visiting. Brother Zonge is
interpreting. Both these men have so much potential intellectually. |
On a sad note. We lost our dear brother Jackson Mcwakumbana.
Jackson was from our George congregation. It was a sad passing.
We are working with his wife and have further plans to assist the congregation.
I personally have been traveling through there once a month and will
from now on help every second week. |
Above shows brother Esau and I praying with and appointing Zonge
Xoshe as the preacher evangelist in Kwanokuthulo Plett. |
PRETORIA. Look what we have here. A refurbished Downtown Church
of Christ. The building became too small for Sunday morning worship. The
congregation and GCM put funds together to assist in this upgrade.
WELL DONE DOWNTOWN. They should now be able to get 400
members in or change to have more services. GROWING CHURCH. |
Some of the alterations taking place in Downtown Pretoria. |
O My, the big boss is checking on the work. Ha Ha. That's Morena,
Dimpo's little one. He is a cutie and loves to help his dad. |
This use to be our GCM office that now has made way for Sunday
worshippers. We have a smaller office off to the one side. |
WINDHOEK NAMIBIA. Above shows more extensions being made to
the church building to seat more on Sunday morning. This is the GCM
facility in Windhoek where a congregation was planted some years back.
It has been a struggle, but things are heading in the right direction the last
couple of years. We are excited about extending the building. Brother Anton
works with the congregation. We are having the third lectureship there this May.
Thanks has to go to the Fredericksburg and Benton congregations for working
with us there, and not forgetting brother Anton. |
Above shows the new facility for worship in Durban. Beautiful and clean.
The GCM office, World Bible School work and the congregation has moved
over into the SASOP Bible School building. All ministries working out of
the same building. Amen and Amen |
The Queen Mary Church of Christ supplied the funds to put the baptistery in
and Brian Lister worked his heart out to get all this done.
BIG THANKS BRIAN. You are a servant of note. |
Above shows boxes and boxes of books for our short term Bible Schools
in Venda and Pretoria. Brother Mike Knappier and Joel Lewis donated
their libraries. Then brother Don Noles from Tulsa helped find even more
books for the Venda library. He packed, paid and shipped it all to
South Africa. THANK YOU, BRETHREN. |
Above shows more literature being shipped off to preachers in
Australia. Vicki and Quinton helped get it off. Brother Roger
Dickson donated it and GCM did the rest. I have received a
number of emails from brethren in Australia thanking us for
helping them in this way. |
Above shows a little guy wanting his own chair at Church.
It is our youngest grandson, Zac. That is Chantal and Rob's son.
Quinton, Vicki, Chantal, Rob and Hilton all attend the same
congregation in Perth Australia. God is Good. |
Above shows Zac giving us a smile. He should be walking in a month or two. |
Here we have Quinton and Vicki's two little girls. Jemmica and Payton.
They both go to pre-school now. Time is flying. |
Then we have Wayne and Nicole's two children, Channelle and Cooper.
They stay in Cape Town and attend the Bellville Church of Christ.
Ria and I love our children and grandchildren and need to THANK GOD
for teaching us the importance of family. Please pray for my family and my
extended GCM family as we reach out this year.