It is April and things are getting busy for us all. The Gospel Chariots are rolling and short term Bible Schools are in. Campaigns are happening and God is working through us all. Mike Knappier and the Benton congregation campaigned in Windhoek and Okahanja, Namibia. I leave next week with the Fredericksburg Church of Christ, to work in Rundu with Chariot 2 on its way to Zambia. Chariot 1 has been working in Port Elizabeth and East London. God is working and souls are being added to the Kingdom of God in a number of areas. Please continue praying for the team.
2012 lectureships in Venda

Above shows the lectureship that was held in Venda. It was fantastic and the GCM team where there and had a feast. There were thousands in attendance.

Above shows the Gospel Chariot Missions' booth at the lectureship with Dimpo Motimele encouraging brethren and networking.

Here we have Lazarus and Tebogo in front of the booth. A number of us got to speak at the lectureship. Tebogo, Machona, Lazarus, Dimpo and myself got to speak. Tebogo on the right has now been appointed as an elder at the Atterigeville Church of Christ.

Above shows Dimpo speaking at the lectureships and myself below.

Some of the GCM Team staying at the Vhembe Bible School during the lecturships
Above shows the Durban Building that had to get a paint job in front due to pigeons making their home there for a number of years. Also roof repairs had to be seen to. Otherwise all is well and continuing to move forward in Durban.
Above shows Paulus, the man behind the evangelism. His assistant is Leslie, and they do an amazing job running the Durban Gospel Chariot office. They are amazing workers, recruiting and teaching many WBS students.

Above and below shows some of the Saturday seminars that they hold very effectively.

Leslie recruiting and encouraging some ladies wanting to study God's word.

Those who complete WBS lessons, can continue studying through Nations University and use the office computer when doing their online exams.

Those who complete the WBS lessons, will receive a certificate of completion.

Above shows the short term students in Pretoria being taught by brother Tebogo.

Above shows the students and others attending a Church Planting Seminar at the Atteridgeville Church of Christ, taught by brother Sam.

Some of the students who came to school were baptized after realizing they were not baptized correctly into Christ. AMEN

Chariot 1: Bongani Mabena flew down to George to collect the refurbished Chariot and headed up the coast to Port Elizabeth and onto East London. 11 souls were baptized and this Chariot is now in Kwandebele with Lazarus. Wonderful the way the brothers rotate the driving and days out. A Great Team makes a Dream Team

Above shows Bongani with his BEAUTIFUL FAMILY. They all just love to smile, like Bongani. His wife is Sibongile and she is a florist who works with flower arrangments. Amazing lady. Our little grandboys are Kabelo and Qiniso. A couple months back I showed you Dimpo and Lazarus, with their families. Please pray for the 3 guys that have been with us forever and make so much happen.

Chariot 1 working in the Port Elizabeth area in the Eastern Cape.

Above shows 6 ladies from my home congreation in Kwanokuthula. We have watched some of them grow up right before us. It was a special day for us to see them put Christ on.

Gladman baptizing the Ladies.

Bongani taking the good confession from those wanting to be baptized into Christ.

More souls being baptized in the baptistry on Chariot 1

More souls being baptized and look who is there: Alfred Mdze from Lusikisiki who roams the Eastern Cape helping newly planted congregations. Amen Alfred.

Lazarus baptizing a student of the short term school. God is working and we give HIM the GLORY......AMEN. Please continue praying for us.