Above shows Moster, Alick, Aubrey and myself in Malawi. These are good men who have worked with us for many years now. God is working. Have a look at some of the activities that took place the last month.

Souls coming forward to be baptized into Jesus.

Breaking bread with the brethren on the Lord's day. No better feast than this. Amen

Campaigners from the USA visiting and working with us in Malawi.

A great idea for Church buildings. Small steel structure with no walls and concrete floor. Only the structure was put up. This is an economical way of helping brethren in Africa. The sad thing about this project is, that it is being done by another denomination that is not Bible based. However, I love the idea. They are putting them up all over Malawi. This idea is about partnership where the donor does not do everything, but leaves the local brethren with something to do.