All systems go for 2011. The Chariots are running and schools are in.
We pray 2011 is going to be a good year for each and everyone of us as we serve our creator and wonderful God. Some of the Gospel Chariot Team came to the Cape once again to do repairs and for some team building. It was FANTASTIC. We are not just a ministry, but a family. Brother Charlie Worrell from the USA joined us yet again to help with the trucks. We also had Dimpo, Lazarus, Bongani, Machona, De Villiers, Paulos, Aleck, Foster, Gladman and this year our 2 ladies, Mamcy and Lydia. It was really inspiring. We are a small team that covers thousands of miles and works with thousands of congregations in the southern part of Africa. Our goal is to reach Africa through our Gospel Chariots, Short Term Bible Schools and literature distribution. Millions will hear the Word if we work together. AMEN. God is Great. PLEASE pray for us as we reach out this year. We need God and we need your prayers
Brother Charlie with Foster, DeVilliers, Paulos,Dimpo,Lazarus,Bongani. Aleck and Machona.
Dimpo getting down and dirty, draining the oil. All filters and oil get changed.
These are preachers servicing the Chariots. Important all get to know our trucks. Well done guys.
Then its time to wash and shine the Chariots. They take a beating every year due to the roads.
Then there are things we don't know how to fix and brother Charlie attends to those. Thanks brother you have been a blessing for years now. We cannot thank you enough.
Whilst the guys worked on the Trucks Ria worked with Mamcy and Lydia making baptism garments and communion table cloths. Well done ladies.
In the evenings we all got together and had some team building. It was really good.
After that we had some desert. Fruit salad and custard. Then off to bed after a long day.
On the weekend we started our first gospel meeting. Working with the little ones and reaching out.
Ria doing some activities with the little ones. She has been a blessing in the township and we are making headway with the youth. Touching one at a time.
The kids are so precious and so willing to learn and participate. Our Sunday school is growing.
On Sunday morning we preached on Chariot 2. With us having the GCM team we got them to do all the preaching in Kwanokuthula where we worship. This is my home congregation. It was wonderful having our brothers from Pretoria.
Brother Machona did the preaching with Lazarus the Bible Study and Dimpo the Lord supper. Some people came forward and for the week there were 5 souls baptized.
Brother Dimpo and brother Gladmad encouraging us during Sunday morning worship.
Yes the church is growing in Plettenberg Bay, Kwanokuthula. Our church building is becoming too small. This last Sunday saw us not have enough chairs. Our short term Bible School started Monday the 14th February. Schools also started in Pretoria and Venda. Maturing christians. Amen.
Bongani leading at the gospel meeting as well. Bongani is now in the Free State on Chariot 1.
Some of the souls baptized during the Plett outreach.
These are some of the Sunday school kids at our congregation. They are growing up in the Lord.
Above one of the little ones thanking God before heading off to Sunday school class. His name is Junior and is a wonderful example.
Above shows brother Malindi from Venda. He heads up the short term bible school there. They have 15 students who also started on the 14th February.
Above shows a group of students who attended the short term school in the holidays. They came in to learn how to help serve in the church. Song leading, Lords supper and devotions.
They were taught, fed and told to go serve God in their different villages. The whole idea is to use the school facilities and teach them while they are young.
Above shows some of the students and teachers at the Vhembe Bible School.
Above shows a special recognition of some of those students leaving the school. The congregation let them all sit up front and sent them on their way with love and praises.
There were a number of souls baptized because of the students who went out preaching whilst at the short term school. They get to do practical as well.
Thousand and thousands of lessons are handed out every year on the Chariots and different offices. God is working.