June and July get really busy. Chariot 1 is still in Venda and the brethren are doing an amazing job. Chariot 1 has been working in many areas in Venda the last 6 weeks. There have been over 40 souls baptized in Venda. Chariot 2 is in the north of Malawi and there have been over 80 souls baptized there. I will join Chariot 2 in Malawi in August Lord willing. Short term Bible schools are in progress and the new school being build in the Cape is almost finished and ready for school in 2011. One of the most exciting developments over the last 5 years, is the Bible Schools we have set up, that are linked to Nations University. God changes lives and works in peoples lives and the more we can direct souls to study and dig deep, the more God will work through them. This is so EXCITING.
Above shows Chariot 1 in Venda with a second tent erected. The Chariot was too small to seat all the brethren during a combined meeting. Brother Obrien Malindi is the leader behind all this.
Every week the tent has to be broken down and moved to another area. The Chariot is used for Church plantings, strengthening of congregations and normal gospel meetings.
Brother Bongani preaching in Venda on the Chariot. He is a mighty worker for the Lord.
Bongani baptizing one of the 44 souls baptized during the Venda outreach.
God bless Venda as more and more souls are reached for Jesus. Venda now has their own Bible School were young souls can study full time. God is working......Amen
More souls. Angels are rejoicing because of these souls giving their lives to Jesus.
And more.
And even more rejoicing.
Brother Lazarus. Replacing Bongani in Venda and doing some grading of exams.
Brother Dimpo and Lazarus meeting with a professor from Unisa University. Looking at ways and means to get Nations University accredited here in South Africa. Also some other options.
Laz and Dimpo visiting with Mercy Dlamini from Ventersdorp. Mercy is a WBS student who is wanting to put Christ on. Please pray for her. We, as a ministry, have done this kind of work for many years. That is, follow up on correspondence Bible lesson students. We teach so many students and so does World Bible School. Then we, on top of all our work, still find time to follow up where we can country wide with seminars and one on one studies. On Sundays each one of us still preach for congregations.
Talking about preaching. This is my home congregation in the Cape. We are growing and have some great plans for our region. It is a mission field and needs pioneering work. That is why Ria and I moved to the Garden Round in the Cape. Above shows some of our ladies preparing our Sunday potluck meal.
Our little children sitting outside eating their food. They are precious and we love them.
Sunday school puppets telling a story about Jesus....The kids love it and learn so much.
Some of the little ones doing some coloring in during our Bible hours with them.
Our small building for Bible School students that we almost finished. School will start in 2011.
Above shows 2 young men baptized into Christ. Their names are Dooma and Manwabisi.